Mon - Sat 8:00am - 6:00pm EST
Sunday Closed

40  Years Experience

50+ Makes Serviced

100% Satisfaction


RV Diagnostics is an audio/video chat based diagnostic tool specifically for recreational vehicle owners. The company was founded by U.S. Army veteran and ASE certified mechanic, Jeffery V. Malatesta.

Jeff created this service after noticing complaints in the RV community about the time and price of having services preformed to their vehicles. He decided to come up with a solution to this problem, that solution is

“I honestly believe that with the proper guidance and a basic set of tools, you and I can solve 95 % of your RV problems.”

-Jeffery V. Maletesta | Founder

Recreation Vehicle RV Trip. Class C Motorhome Closeup. Vacation on the American Road.


    • Use troubleshooting skills and experience to break down your repair into easy to follow, step-by-step instructions.
    • Guide each user to the solution to their problem. Allowing them to complete their own repair by using their hands, eyes, tools and mobile phone.
    • Provide each user with a deeper understanding of how their vehicle works.
    • Users will need to use traditional repair shops less and less, lowering overall operating costs.
    • Provide users with a list of tools that you will need for basic repairs. Some of these tools can even be made at little or no cost.
Aurora hunter with motorhome for mobility


Mobile Diagnostics on this site refers to the main service we provide. You must first Become a Member of the site to use the mobile diagnostics service. Once a member, you can call-in anytime during business hours with your RV problem and our master RV technician, Jeff, provides the you with step-by-step diagnostic instructions so that you can solve the problem yourself. Each call is specific to your vehicle and will have you doing repairs you never thought possible! Want more details? Click Here